Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hi, I'm back with another post today as I still hadn't showed you what was in the candy which I won from Fany and which I received this week :))) woo hooo !!!

Here it is ..... look at all the goodies... so exciting :)

I've already used the embosser, I'm sure you have noticed it he he , can't take my hands off that one. . . . what will be next ... you have to come back and seeeee !!!

Thank you so much Fany, I absolutely love it, you were so kind to offer this awesome candy. xx


  1. Looks like the swiss dots embossing folder? If so then you'll get loads of use out of it - well done and what a lot you got!

    How's your back?


  2. Wow, this is amazing! Look at all the fun stuff you got, the Webster Papers are AWESOME! Tim Holtz edge die and all those stamps! So much stuff, so little time to create!

  3. WOW...what a collection of blog candy...have fun!

  4. My goodness, you will have fun with all of those goodies!


Thank you for any comments you may wish to leave me. Hugz xx