Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hi.. I'm back.. well sort of!!! 'cos my back has been killing me all week long... must be all the cleaning I did after the decorating!!

Been slapping creams all over but still it feels so bad and so haven't been doing any cards. Just did the cards for the GDT spots for next Sunday and that's all. Lucky for me I got me blogging friends and some other things to cheer me up .....

Yes, this is what I received from my friend Tammy

and this one today from my Greek blogger friend Efi, who sent me these to thank me for winning my runner up candy in May... how nice of her :)

Then I have also been given an award by the lovely Rebekah.... Thanks Rebekah, it's so nice of you to have thought of me and I like like like this, haven't got me this one ..

Now I have to tell you 6 lies and 1 truth about myself or the other way round mmm!
1. I can't swim
2. I know how to ski
3. I once wanted to learn ballet
4. When I was young I had a dog
5. I've have never been to Australia
6. We have a cat
7. I don't love chocolate
Ha ha guess which one is the true!!! ....

But that's not all...

I also did the TOPS again this week.. THREE TIMES ... wooo hoo :)



and also here

And again,,, that's not all... 'cos I also won me two Sassy Studio Designs stamps yippee !!! ... can't wait to get them :)

Sorry no cards this week, and sorry if I haven't been around so much too.. I'll make it up with some candy next week, got loads of stuff to celebrate... my DT at OSAAT, two GDT spots this month and also my Wedding Anniversary at the end of this month!!!!!

Well, I can do a little sneaky peeky of one of my two cards for Sunday ..

Can't wait to post them he he :)

So don't forget to pop by on Sunday ......

Ooops I was going to forget to forward my Award.. so I am forwarding it to




  1. Oh boy I thought I was missing a whole lotta action ovr here at your blog, but all I missed was your pain & celebration & a few lies!! LOL. Sorry to hear about your back (as I write this my neck is killing me), TRUTH- u had a dog when you were younger?, CONGRATS on all the tops!! You rock girl! See you round the blog!

  2. Congrats...Dora! On all your wonderful news. Hope you are doing better fun with the back injury. We had a wonderful vacation and now looking forward to my New York trip. First time excited!
    Talk to you soon.

  3. Sorry to hear your back's been playing you up, they're funny that way.

    Thanks for the award btw


  4. Did I miss something...what did you do to your back. Hope your doing better.


Thank you for any comments you may wish to leave me. Hugz xx