Monday, November 8, 2010

Something For You...


Hi girls, happy Monday everyone! Sorry, been a really bad blogger lately... yes... I just didn't have time to come over at all. Don't want to bore you, but have just started a work related course, for which I am having to stay later at work, and in the weekend, dog had a very very bad accident in his eye while playing with the kids, on Saturday had lots of kids over as we had Kevin's birthday party and then obviously... the usual housework!! On days like this I just wish I just was retired he he !!!!

I do have some lovely news though.. wooo hooo :)) I won some digis from Craft Your Passion Challenges and then I also did a Top 3 at Digi Doodle Shops Best, where I won a gift certificate .. and was also offered a post as a GDT for the month of November!!!! Busy as I am I just had to say YES. And I am so glad I did, I was given some more digis to do my cards !!!! Woo hooo ... coool :)) Don't forget to come have a look on Thursday for my first card as GDT at Digi Doodle Shops Best!!!

... and so now today I have a little something for you ... just in time for Christmas too...

I got two sets of these stamps as they sent me one in error this month instead of the month gift that they should have sent me, so I thought I would offer it as candy. So if you don't have these stamps, and would like to try your luck at winning them, just do the usual things here ..

1 - Post a pic on your sidebar
2 - Would be nice if you followed
3 - Leave your name in Mr Linky.

I will keep it open til the end of the month and good luck :))


  1. #1 is never lucky, but I need in these stamps so much - so, I keep my fingers crossed. Thank you!

  2. Hi Dora...congrats on your winnings and on your GD spot...good luck with your course...thanks for giving the chance to win these stamps ...keep my fingers crossed!
    xxx Margreet

  3. Lovely candy! I have these stamps and they're really great.


  4. Congratulations Dora! Can't wait to see what you do with your new stamps and as the guest designer for Digi Doodle!

  5. Fab stamps and what a great idea to donate your spare.

    Nice to see you back in blogland.

    Leaving for home on Wednesday - catch you around the weekend


  6. Awww, these are darling!! Thank you so much for the chance. I placed on my sidebar and I already follow ya. Try to have a good week. xx

  7. Thanks for giving us the chance to win this candy. It's really nice of you to share your good fortune. Good luck everyone !!!

  8. These stamps ate great!
    Thanks for the apportunety!

  9. I want these so bad... Pick me! But I am a failure... I am new to this blog thing... strangest thing I have 20 followers... but absolutely no idea how to put this on my blog... I have been working on it for while... but failing. I need help with my blog! Well I tried...

  10. Thanks Dora, I never win anything EVER. Lets hope this changes with these stamps. lol
    BTW well done on your DT posts too. x

  11. Oh!! These look cutie. Thank you for the chance lol.

  12. Hi Dora! Congrats & thanks for sharing with the candy!

  13. Lovely stamps! I'm following and there's a link in my sidebar . Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

  14. Wow Dora, Congrats on yer winnings and your DT spot Hun!
    Thank you for a chance to win these cuties

  15. Congratulations Dora!!! Lovely stamps and thank you for a chance to win! What a pity for your dog

  16. Dora thank you so much for a chance to win these awesome stamps! And congratulations!

  17. hi hon,

    these would be my first own stamps, so i decided to try my luck :)

    hugs gerda

  18. How's your dog after the accident?


  19. Congrats on GDT and on your winning!
    Would love to have a chance of winning!
    I have added your candy in my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to join.

  20. Woohoo Congratulations on your winnings and DT position!!! Thanks for offering this fabulous candy!!
    Hugs xx

  21. Wow, your household sounds like a busy spot. Best of luck on your courses.
    I'm following and added your treats to my sidebar. Much better than a chocolate bar to my side hips! :D

    Thank you for sharing! :o)

  22. trop mignons ces tampons, alors je tente ma chance

    merci pour ce beau candy

  23. Thanks for a chance at these YUMMY goodies! It's on my sidebar already!


Thank you for any comments you may wish to leave me. Hugz xx