Friday, April 24, 2015


A day late with my card this week but I've been so busy! Hubby is in London for two weeks and I went there for a few days too in a last minute decision. I'm back home now, came yesterday and back to work too, so was rather busy. Hubby at the moment is on the plane coming back home, and he also had a delay, so will see him in a few hours.

Anyway, onto my DT card for the new challenge at I ♥ Promarkers and this time the theme is  

Such an easy theme I think and we were also so lucky to be given an image from our sponsor

to use to make our card. The one I used is this really sweet image Lisbeth rides a Lady Bug.
You can see all the other cute images if you go to the challenge blog and the prize is five digi images of the winner's choice.

I really hope you can play along with us.

Thank you for looking.




Thank you for any comments you may wish to leave me. Hugz xx