When you receive this award, you have to do the following
1 - Thank the person who awarded you
2 - Tell 8 things about yourself
3 - Pass this award on to 8 bloggers
4 - Contact them and tell them about their award.
So here are 8 things about myself:
1 - I've been making cards for over five years.. I think, or more..
2 - I have the most loving sister one can ever have
3 - I work in a Bank..
4 - I wish I was retired to have more time for my crafting
5 - I love watching movies
6 - I'm allergic to cats
7 - I love Summer but wish I was on holiday each day .. ha ha :)
8 - I love short hair .. even though mine is long !!!!
So there I said eight things about myself, I usually avoid this ha ha .. but it was real fun too :)
And now today I'd like to pass this award on to my team mates at Crafty Sentiments
Hi Dora ,Ah thanks so much for the award. I will post it up tomorrow with all me bits n bobs. Thanks again Love Hazelxoxo
Thanks so much Dora! Hugs Rebekah xx
You know what I love most about these awards...it helps you get to know you better...like I never you you worked at a bank...so did I until my job was out sourced 2 1/2 years ago.
Hi Dora, thanks for thinking of me:)
Oh! We know a lot more about you now.
Answer 4 ~ You still won't have more time! Ther's always something need doing.
Congratulations on the award!! Well deserved!
Jodi =)
wow ty so much for the award. I will pass this on later today. ty again hun . hope you have a good day xxx
Thank you so much Dora for this award, Love it. also thank you for the cards as well beautiful.
Suzette x
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